Climate report Bavaria 2021

On 24th of February 2021, the Bavarian Minister of Environment, Thorsten Glauber, presented the new Climate Report Bavaria. Without climate protection measures, the average temperature in Bavaria is predicted to increase by up to 4.8 degrees Celsius until 2100. Within this time frame, 36 new heat days might occur. More extrem weather conditions, such as the flash flood in Simbach/Inn in 2016, are to be epected.

Within the section “Exkurs Forschung”, a review section of current research efforts, the bayklif research network is portrayed by the main office director Dr. Ulrike Kaltenhauser (pp. 50-52). Research projects AquaKlif (p. 67), BAYSICS (p. 93), LandKlif (p. 100, p. 137) and ADAPT (p. 171) are also represented through individual reports.